Garden ScienceSoil Food Web

Race to the Plate: A Fun Guide to Growing Vegetables with Different Growing Rates

Set up a botanical Olympics and see the different growth rates of vegetables. Compare how quickly each vegetable grows and see which one produces a harvest first.

Materials Needed:

  • Three small pots or containers
  • Potting soil
  • Three different types of vegetable seeds with different growth rates (for example radish, carrot, and tomato). It can be any number and variety of your choice
  • Water
  • Labels or markers
  • Ruler or measuring tape
  • Sunlight 


  1. Choose three small pots or containers that are approximately the same size and shape. Make sure that the pots have drainage holes at the bottom to allow excess water to drain out.
  2. Fill each pot with potting soil, leaving about an inch of space at the top.
  3. Choose three different types of vegetable seeds with different growth rates. For example, you could choose radish seeds (which typically germinate within a few days), carrot seeds (which typically take a week or two to germinate), and tomato seeds (which can take up to two weeks to germinate).
  4. Plant one type of seed in each pot according to the package instructions. Make sure to label each pot with the name of the vegetable that you planted.
  5. Water the pots thoroughly, making sure that the soil is moist but not waterlogged. You may need to water the pots every few days or as needed, depending on the type of vegetable seed you planted.
  6. Place the pots in a sunny location. Vegetables typically need at least six hours of sunlight per day to grow properly.
  7. As the plants begin to grow, use a ruler or measuring tape to measure their height every few days. Record the measurements on a chart or notebook.
  8. As the plants continue to grow, you may need to provide support for them if they become top-heavy. For example, you could use small stakes or trellises to support tomato plants.
  9. Continue to water and care for the plants according to the package instructions. As the plants begin to produce vegetables, you can harvest them and compare the different growth rates.
  10. Finally, share your results with friends and family, and enjoy the delicious vegetables you have grown!

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